Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients. The primary way we do that is by re-using the same five projects we have been developing for the past decade.

Case studies

Mitsubishi Electric Innovation Center

Frontend Development, Backend Development, Mobile Application, UI/UX Design, Brand Design


AnyMile by Mitsubishi Electric is a groundbreaking drone-based logistics and resource management platform for profitable, eco-friendly scaling.

We have successfully completed the development of the platform's backend and frontend, and have also developed a mobile application for the platform's users. Creating MELIC Design system

Working with Innoventures, we felt more like a partner than a customer.

Zafer Şahinoğlu, General Manager at Mitsubishi Electric Innovation Center

You’re in good company

  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Buck AI
  • Karabük University

Tell us about your project

Our offices

  • Karabük
    Karabük Üniversitesi Teknokent
    Ofis No:3-21-22 Merkez/KARABÜK