Case Study - AnyMile

AnyMile by Mitsubishi Electric is a groundbreaking drone-based logistics and resource management platform for profitable, eco-friendly scaling. We have successfully completed the development of the platform's backend and frontend, and have also developed a mobile application for the platform's users. Creating MELIC Design system as Innoventures

Mitsubishi Electric Innovation Center
Frontend Development, Backend Development, Mobile Application, UI/UX Design, Brand Design


AnyMile by Mitsubishi Electric is a groundbreaking drone-based logistics and resource management platform for profitable, eco-friendly scaling.

Fleet Management - Fleet owners and operators can manage and scale their drone fleet operation, missions, and maintenance using AnyMile.

Shipment Management - Companies can manage cargo delivery, banner towing, and infrastructure inspection works using drones.

Service Management - Service providers can setup, manage and sell infrastructure-based services to drone fleet operators.

Advertisement Management - Advertisers can manage banner towing operations and launch their missions.

Manufacturer's Portal - Drone manufacturers can promote and educate buyers about their drone models in the Drone Marketplace.

What we did

  • Frontend (React, Next.js)
  • Backend (Java, Spring Boot)
  • Mobile Application (React Native)
  • UI/UX Design
  • Brand Design

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    Karabük Üniversitesi Teknokent
    Ofis No:3-21-22 Merkez/KARABÜK